東方政策40周年記念イベント 第一回LELM@2022「アートワークショップ@マレーシア」開催!
在マレーシア日本国大使館では、この記念すべき年をLEP40(Look East Policy 40th anniv.)と称し、マレーシアと日本のさらなる友好の発展に乗り出しました。その活動の一環とし、私達日本デザイナー学院マレーシア校、専門学校日本デザイナー学院、専門学校日本デザイナー学院九州校、日本写真芸術専門学校の四校合同で、子供向けのアートワークショップをマレーシアで行うこととなりました!
LELM@(レルマ)2022と名付けられた私達の取り組みは、これまでの「Look East」というマレーシア側の視点から、私たち日本人もマレーシアから多くのことを学ぶというLook East Look Malaysiaという視点を持つこと。そして、そこからLove East Love Malaysia、すなわちマレーシアのファンを日本で増やしていくという一大プロジェクトです。
2022年2月19日に日本デザイナー学院マレーシア校で行われた第一回LELM@2022イベントでは、遠隔システム「HDコム」を活用し、日本デザイナー学院九州校の講師、亀井 哲治先生がアクリル絵の具と身近な道具を使ったさまざまな表現法を実演!マレーシアの子供達は初めて触れるアート体験を通じ、作品と瞳をカラフルに輝かせて楽しみました。
今回のイベントでは、JAGAM(マレーシア元留日学生協会)や日本語学校A to Z Language Centreを始め、多くの企業や団体に協賛、後援いただきました。ヤクルトやキューピーといった日系企業の方々もスポンサーとして参加していただき、当日は参加者に嬉しいプレゼントも……。
The 1st LELM@2022 “Art Workshop @ Malaysia” will be held to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Look East Policy!
2022 marks the 40th anniversary of the start of a new policy known as the Look East Policy, in Malaysia. This is one of the important events in the history of Malaysia, where Malaysia began to pay attention to Japan and South Korea for the development of the economic society and the establishment of an industrial base. Many Malaysians have visited Japan due to this policy and they are still making a great contribution to the friendship between Japan and Malaysia.
The Embassy of Japan in Malaysia called this year the commemorative year for LEP40 (Look East Policy 40th Anniversary) and has embarked on the further development of friendship between Malaysia and Japan. In honor of this policy, we, Nippon Designers School Malaysia College, Nippon Designers School, Nippon Designers School Kyushu, and Nippon Photography Institute will jointly hold an art workshop for the children in Malaysia!
This initiative, named LELM@ 2022, is from the perspective of Malaysia, which is “Look East”, and the perspective of Look East Look Malaysia, where we Japanese also learn a lot from Malaysia. To have. And from there, Love East Love Malaysia, a big project to increase Malaysian fans in Japan.
In addition, as @ symbolizes, we aim to fully utilize the interactivity and various Internet tools of the Internet age and to enliven the infinite possibilities of both countries from 2022 to the future without borders.
At the 1st LELM@2022 Commemorative Event held at Nippon Designers School Malaysia College on February 19, 2022, the remote system “HD Com” was used, and Professor Tetsuji Kamei, a lecturer at Nippon Designers School Kyushu College, used acrylic paint to demonstrate various expressions using familiar tools! Malaysian children enjoyed the work as their eyes are light up through their first art experience.
In the end, the participants’ works are pasted, and it is completed as a big collage piece. It is also the moment when the thoughts of living in Japan and Malaysia are united, even if it is this corona situation.
This event was sponsored and co-sponsored by many companies and organizations, including JAGAM (Malaysia Former Japanese Student Association) and the Japanese language school A to Z Language Centre. Japanese companies such as Yakult and Kewpie also participated as sponsors on the day of the event. Many of the participants were happy to receive the gift.
Nippon Designers School Malaysia College will continue to hold LELM@2022 events. Stay tuned for more local reports!