The annual Manga/Illustration Grand Prix for high school and international students. Every year, works of rich individuality are gathered from all over the world. Here are the works and comments of the two winners of last year’s “Grand Prix” and “Runner-up Grand Prix” in the International Student Division.
Lee Ying Lee (グランプリ受賞)
1. Tell us about the concept of your work “Peranakan”.
“Peranakans” are an ethnic group of migrants who originated from Southern China and settled in the Malay Peninsula between the 14th and 17th centuries. The term derives from the word “child” in Malay, which refers to a person born of mixed local and foreign ancestry. Globalisation has led to learning about foreign cultures. I wanted to draw a person who appreciates and accepts all cultures to represent who we are today. My inspiration came from Japanese fashion illustrations of the Yukata girl, whose designs are adapted to the times while still maintaining its cultural significance. A young girl is depicted wearing a modern Nyonya Kebaya where the motif suggests some of the ingredients in the sweets she is enjoying. She is sitting in a room decorated with modern and antique furniture and enjoys a variety of books and music. I hope the viewers can relate to the illustration.
2. How long did it take you to create it?
The illustration took 2.5 weeks to complete.
3. What prompted you to enter the contest?
I met with the representatives of Nippon Designers School (NDS) to enquire about the school and found out about the contest from them.
4. How did you start illustrating?
I cannot remember how I first started, I must have been very little! Manga was cheapest and readily available — I must have started learning through referencing from there.
5. What kind of illustrations do you usually draw?
I usually draw anime and manga inspired illustrations.
6. How did you feel about winning the award?
I’m ecstatic and thankful to the folks at NDS who encouraged me to join. I am also grateful to my family and friends who supported me to complete the illustration.
7. What do you think about Japanese culture?
Japanese culture fascinates me as it is constantly evolving. I enjoy both traditional and modern aspects of it.
Lee Ann Shannon(準グランプリ受賞)
My Halloween World
1.Tell us about the concept of your work “My Halloween World”.
“My Halloween World” is a story based on a young witch girl – full of excitement for adventures with her friends/acquaintances. They were designed with the theme ‘Halloween’ as the deadline of the competition was nearing the event itself, hence a fun Halloween fantasy artwork.
“My Halloween World”は、友人や知人との冒険に胸を躍らせている魔女の少女を主人公にした物語です。締め切り間近のイベントということで、「ハロウィン」をテーマに、ハロウィンのファンタジーを楽しめる作品に仕上げました。
2.How long did it take you to create it?
Once I knew about the competition, it was about to end in 2 days so, I rushed a little and did what I could in that span of time (about 2 days).
3.What prompted you to enter the contest?
The prize captured my attention for sure! Very valuable and indirectly motivating.
副賞賞品に目を引かれました! とても価値があると感じ、動機のひとつとなりました。
4.How did you start illustrating?
I had a burning passion for Art and started drawing traditionally at a young age. I moved on digitally when I turned 17. I eventually got burnt out and put a hold on Art for a while. Over the years, I then built my courage back up to start my journey in Art again illustrating, officially this year 2022 with new studies and knowledge to gain.
5.What kind of illustrations do you usually draw?
I would draw mainly semi-realistic portraits of females and males.
6.How did you feel about winning the award?
I was ecstatic when I got the news. Very grateful. It gave me strength to keep wanting to improve.
7.What do you think about Japanese culture?
I think Japanese culture is very creative in its arts and crafts, I absolutely love them. People there are very considerate and respectful, it is an admirable trait for me.
\ 今年も応募受付中! /